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Few and Far Between

Washington Series - Vintage 2024

Throughout the interior of BC, vineyards were hit har by last winter's low temperatures leaving wineries without grapes to produce wines. After listening to the wine industry, the government made changes to allow BC wineries to look for grapes outside of BC. This allowed wineries to retain employees, produce wines, and keep the tourism sector in our region viable into 2025 and beyond.

We are Similkameen through and through and look forward to making wines from our Valley in 2025. In the meantime, we went on a grape hunt just a short 3 or 4 hour drive south of the Similkameen Valley. Orofino's "Few and Far Between" series of wines were just introuduced a few years ago to showcase small lot, unique wines we had the opportunity to produce. They have been resurrected with our 2024 "Washington Series" wines, with label art by Coranne Creswell.

Washington grows every varietal of wine grape that we grow here in the Similkameen Valley, but there are also many others varietals that are able to do well there but aren't so well suited to BC growing conditions. When sourcing grapes from Washington to make some wine in 2024, the 3 conditions that needed to be met were:


  1. New grape varietal for Orofino - We decided this was a unique opportunity to work with completely different grape varietals than we have been for the past 20 years. Classic varietals were selected. Ones that we love to drink and have been keen on trying to make if given the chance.

  2. Vineyard sites needed to have that special something that makes us go "hell ya" when we walk through the property. Unique soils. A certain environment where vines have to work to survive. Beautiful vistas. Cherished old vines. Vineyards with stories to tell.

  3. We want to work with people who are invested in their land - People with reasons to grow the best damn grapes they posssibly can. We spent a number of days making contacts, visiting vineyards, and getting to know the Washington vineyard landscape.

And did we ever hit the jackpot…

*Please click on an image to download tech sheets


Chenin Blanc

2024 Few and Far Between Washington Series



2024 Few and Far Between Washington Series



2024 Few and Far Between Washington Series

Cinsault Rosé

Cinsault Rosé

2024 Few and Far Between Washington Series



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